For more info on any of our properties, please contact Leo’s highly capable partners:
Tim Hahn: 310 809-5351 | [email protected]
Molly Nordine: 310 962-3880 | [email protected]
Tim and Molly represents buyers exclusively, and are experts in the REO process, REAP, etc.
Leo doesn’t represent buyers, especially on his own listings. He wants to get the highest price he can for the seller, and likens representing both sides of a transaction to be the equivalent of a lawyer representing the plaintiff and the defendant in a lawsuit (truth be told, double-ending deals wouldn’t even be legal if not for the extremely powerful national realtors lobby). We feel our sellers are better served if outside agents have as much chance of selling our listings as we do. We get multiple offers on most of our listings and outside agents play a critical role in our program.